ages 61 to 65
Vasanthi, 61.33
What is the best age? Difficult to say, maybe my Uni days
When do people become old? I think people are ageless in some ways, age is just a number
What makes you sad? Poverty levels in the world
What makes you happy? My family
What is the best place in the world? I think my home would be for me
What do you worry about? Family. Health and family.
What do you love? I think family becomes a big factor there
What is next for you? Just continuity, life
What is life about? Living
Khudsiya, 61.67
What is the best age? To me it’s the age I am now. I feel so liberated and more humble
When do people become old? When they stop being a student, when the curiosity ceases
What makes you sad? When I see someone else sad
What makes you happy? The look of a little baby when they look at you and you wonder what they are saying
What is the best place in the world? My home, I just love it (with my family). Otherwise it is just brick and mortar
What do you worry about? The haves and the have nots. God says he created inequality to make people think so the haves give to the have nots. And God knows all so why?
What do you love? I love to be with my kids. Playing Scrabble with my husband and giving him a devastating defeat
What is next for you? I’m very interested in my next phase, I want it to be like a canvas. I haven’t given it much thought, I want it to unfold.
What is life about? Living. You have to enjoy every moment in life. Whether it’s happy, sad, exciting, or moving, you really have to feel it.
Helen, 62.08
What is the best age? I'll be cliche and probably say now
When do people become old? When they think they're old
What makes you sad? When things happen to my family that are sad things (somebody's hurt or ill), bereavement
What makes you happy? Living, seeing the world, sunshine, being alive
What is the best place in the world? It used to be my bed, but it's not anymore. By a beach, by the water in the sunshine
What do you worry about? World issues (Donald Trump). Current issues. My daughter is pregnant so what's the world going to be like?
What do you love? My husband, my family, the dog, champagne and my garden
What is next for you? I don't really plan. Well my grandchild, really- new things, everyday has something new. A bit of travel, I've retired.
What is life about? Being with family and friends actually
Jasmine, 62.25
What is the best age? 24, my daughter's age
When do people become old? 60
What makes you sad? When my children are struggling, otherwise thank God I don't have a lot
What makes you happy? When everyone is doing well
What is the best place in the world? Mecca [Saudi Arabia]
What do you worry about? Recently, I'm worried about helping my daughter while she's pregnant
What do you love? My husband
What is next for you? My grandchildren, I love them all
What is life about? Being happy at home
Akbar, 62.58
What is the best age? 35-55 because I earned money then
When do people become old? I haven't felt it
What makes you sad? My grandson not speaking makes me sad
What makes you happy? If my grandson learns to speak
What is the best place in the world? Saudi Arabia, 5 times prayer, clean and no worries
What do you worry about? Only my grandson not speaking. I don't worry about anything else. What the future generation is going to do next
What do you love? Love in Islam
What is next for you? Nothing
What is life about? In India, it's very dangerous and serious. Always worrying.
David, 62.92
What is the best age? Probably 40s, one still has the energy and enthusiasm to achieve and gained experience. So you probably have the best balance and health.
When do people become old? When they think of themselves as old, when they feel it.
What makes you sad? Seeing other people unhappy
What makes you happy? Being creative, which for me is mainly photography
What is the best place in the world? My base, wherever it happens to be
What do you worry about? Our [UK] position and the state of the world
What do you love? My wife, but I love many other things
What is next for you? To keep on doing as much as I can while I can. I think of it mainly in terms of travel.
What is life about? Keeping to our values. At this stage I suppose it's about doing good and helping others whilst looking after myself and family.
Mahendra, 63.92
What is the best age? Mid 30s and 40s
When do people become old? When they behave old. If you behave old you become old.
What makes you sad? If somebody in the family is not well
What makes you happy? I'm happy all the time, when I've got my whole family
What is the best place in the world? Where I live
What do you worry about? Getting seriously ill
What do you love? Music, people, friends, family
What is next for you? It's retirement really
What is life about? Being happy
Kani, 64.08
What is the best age? 50-60
When do people become old? 60
What makes you sad? There are many thing, when my kids have problems
What makes you happy? When everyone is healthy and happy
What is the best place in the world? My four walls
What do you worry about? My son's life [getting married]
What do you love? Little children
What is next for you? What can we do next?
What is life about? What is life, there is nothing there
Khaja, 64.25
What is the best age? When my first son was born
When do people become old? 70
What makes you sad? When anyone becomes sick
What makes you happy? When everyone is healthy and happy
What is the best place in the world? Aruppukottai, India [home], that's what's peaceful
What do you worry about? Right now about my son's life
What do you love? When my kids are doing well
What is next for you? Most importantly getting my son married
What is life about? My happiness is my wife, kids, my life, my town
Nabisa, 64.50
What is the best age? 31
When do people become old? [not asked]
What makes you sad? When my grandson is feeling sad
What makes you happy? Playing with my grandson
What is the best place in the world? Seattle
What do you worry about? Crying babies
What do you love? My Grandson
What is next for you? Doing something useful
What is life about? Caring for others
Wahita, 64.58
What is the best age? 25
When do people become old? 70 or over, I never thought about age, only with health
What makes you sad? When nobody in my family is thinking about me
What makes you happy? When my family is happy
What is the best place in the world? Kodaikanal [India] or Mecca even more
What do you worry about? Family isn't getting along
What do you love? Arts and crafts, stitching
What is next for you? To achieve something
What is life about?Life is beautiful
Sait, 65.08
What is the best age? 30-40
When do people become old? 60
What makes you sad? Nothing
What makes you happy? Family
What is the best place in the world? My Native place [Aruppukottai, IN]
What do you worry about? Nothing
What do you love? My family
What is next for you? I want to be a good person, head of the family for [my] kids and Grandkids
What is life about? It's gift from God
David, 65.33
What is the best age? I think that depends on what you do with your life. The best age is more event driven where you have both the physical ability and knowledge exist at the same time for an extended period
When do people become old? When they're no longer able to each and to learn at a level that is satisfying
What makes you sad? Sadness and frustration when someone speaks with an authority and certainty that is not supported by evidence or knowledge and they are unwilling to consider any other possibility. Their minds are made up.
What makes you happy? When someone who is vulnerable places their complete trust in me and it's warranted.
What is the best place in the world? For me it's about a half dozen battlefields where this country [US]'s character was forged (both revolutionary and civil wars).
What do you worry about? Some sort of unexpected medical disaster where I can’t take of Amy [wife] or a financial disaster.
What do you love? To study and learn and share that. I love being alone, there's an aspect I don't like that is loneliness but there's also solitude where I ponder and read and think.
What is next for you? I would like to write and help people make decisions in uncertainty, to create a path. To use my background in applied mathematics and history, to teach that there are biases, to convey through the lessons of history and reduce uncertainty . To show that the differences in religion are amazingly similar.
What is life about? I would like to write and help people make decisions in uncertainty, to create a path. To use my background in applied mathematics and history, to teach that there are biases, to convey through the lessons of history and reduce uncertainty . To show that the differences in religion are amazingly similar.
Melissa, 65.58
What is the best age? Where you are right now
When do people become old? When they can no longer do what they love
What makes you sad? I'm not a very sad person, missing people who are no longer here
What makes you happy? Being with loved ones
What is the best place in the world? Wherever I am with my family
What do you worry about? I guess health
What do you love? Family, life and creativity
What is next for you? More learning
What is life about? Love
Desi, 65.75
What is the best age? 40
When do people become old? I think it's when they quit being mobile. I think it's when they become sedentary, negative. They start to be couch potatoes
What makes you sad? When the rest of my family is not happy
What makes you happy? Just spending time with the family, going places, enjoying life, spending money
What is the best place in the world? We always say Hawaii
What do you worry about? I guess dying and leaving the family. I don't worry too much
What do you love? My Grandkids, my family, and I'm happy that whatever they want I can provide for
What is next for you? I'm hoping I can see my Grandkids grow up and get married
What is life about? I think it's all about family. It all comes down to family. My goal was to make life better for each generation.