Karen, 60.75
What is the best age? Hard to answer because each of the various stages has highlights. I'm not unhappy being 60 and retired. If I had to pick, I'd say the age you start your family- for me it was 30.
When do people become old? Not a chronological thing, it’s a mental thing. I keep waiting to feel like I'm getting older. At age 60 I'll say 80.
What makes you sad? When people are having difficult times. Including my mother's state of affairs. Physical, sicknesses, emotional problems or whatever reasons. If they aren't happy because they don’t achieve what they want.
What makes you happy? When people I love are doing well, especially my immediate family, my kids, husband and myself. We're able to enjoy our circumstances and having enough to be comfortable and do some of the things you want in life.
What is the best place in the world? Home
What do you worry about? People, those close to me sometimes money. Not really my own health or my family's (we're all healthy at the moment). Not that I don't worry about other people and the country and the world.
What do you love? My family and my life, where we live and the friends we have.
What is next for you? More of the same. I've reached a stage where I want to do more of what we've been doing and hoping we stay healthy. Smooth sailing for a while.
What is life about? Family, trying to achieve enough so you are healthy, happy and comfortable. More about people and personal happiness than it is about career