what is life about?

repeated answers are bold, larger if more often, and a few favorites are in italics


A fantastic thing to explore, but sadly it is not the same with everyone. Though I have loved what I was, I am satisfied with what I am

A series of challenges that each of us face individually. We are judged by how we come through them. And as you get older you get better

A story that you get to help shape

A thing that we love. A mixture of ups and downs. We throw [away the] downs and take [the] ups. It's not a bed of roses, in failure we learn a lot, in success we learn how to achieve success. Its full of many things but in the future life becomes good or bad but we decide

A way of moving forward spiritually. You get a chance to improve spiritual things, that's why you're here

About feeling happy

About figuring out who the hell you are. Where you fit, what's your place. It's about people

About learning who you are are, who the people around you are and the world you live in and appreciating what that is (both good and bad) and accepting that

Accomplishments and growth and interactions and becoming as you experience it. It's forever intriguing and to be enjoyed

Adventure, learning experiences


Appreciating the moment

Arriving at the conclusions we've discussed, providing inspiration and comfort to those around me so they can arrive in the way that I have

At the moment, I'm going in religious classes, life goes round and round, that's the way we have to learn something from that thing

Be good to people and be good caretakers of each other and the world. Without being here for each other, life wouldn't have much meaning

Being a better person and helping others

Being alive

Being around people who you love and who make you happy. Not about material possessions. It's ultimately about the Kingdom of God, serving others and those who you love

Being content

Being genuinely happy, fulfillment, being satisfied

Being happy

Being happy at home

Being happy and doing things for yourself and living life with no regrets

Being happy and finding people to share that happiness with

Being happy and helping those around you be happy

Being happy happiness and learning

Being happy I can't think of anything better

Being happy living it to the fullest

Being happy and making as many happy along the way as you can, family

Being healthy, being energetic, Being interested in a lot of stuff and I've lucky in a lot of respects. I've always had a lot of energy, I think I got that from my Dad

Being kind to people

Being myself and channeling something new. always being happy and active

Being on earth

Being safe

Being the best person you can be

Being the best that you can in the amount of time that you have

Being uncomfortable and making peace with things that will never be resolved

Being unique. Finding out who you really are

Being with family

Being with family and friends actually

Being yourself amongst others

Building [LEGO] all day and night


Caring for others


Cheeseburgers and love

Choices and things that make you happy. Things that make your life better and really have a meaning. You want your life to stand for something. One decision can affect it tremendously

Coming to know truth

Coming to terms with your own individual consciousness

Competitions around us


Connecting to people

Connecting with other people


Connections to people, places ideas

Continuing to learn as a society, as humanity and trying to find a little bit of happiness

Creating a life, not just surviving

Creating something exciting for yourself. Working for a living. Life pushes you to the next level. You want to be the person you think you can be

Discovering who you are, making yourself happy, making others happy and spreading love

Doing the best you can and that’s all there is

Doing the best you can with what you're given

Doing the best you can with what you've been given to spend time with and provide for the ones you love, be it family or friends and making sure that along you're experiencing a lot of joy and providing as much joy to those around you as you can, and ideally a minimal amount of hurt

Doing the right thing, being honest and true to yourself. And hopefully happiness comes in at the same time

Doing things that make you happy and proud of yourself and making good relationships with people around you and working to make them last

Doing well, being united and together

Doing what makes you happy

Doing what we can for other people

Doing what we were created for

Doing what you enjoy, being happy, staying positive and making the best of everything

Doing what you love

Don't know

Elegance, support and productivity


Energy which is live transforming into experience

Enjoying it

Enjoying things you love and being around people you love

Enjoying what you have and even that you're in life and you have the ability to enjoy it while you still can

Enjoying yourself and making worthwhile contributions with people and doing what makes you happy

Enjoying yourself with your bros

Enjoyment and hard work

Everyone's life is about themselves


Experience all facets of life and experience the world


Experiences and learning

Experiences and making memories, trying to be the best you can be and having the satisfaction of achievement and learning and loving and hopefully doing something that makes the world a better place when you leave than when you got here

Experiencing everything, everything here is temporary and changing. My favorite and least favorite thing is that things are temporary. Experiencing temporary things that constantly change. It's like a giant big creative project

Experiencing imperfections

Experiencing new things, love

Experiencing new things. From the minute you're born until you die. The minute you stop is the minute you probably die

Experiencing things and appreciating them and learning to come to terms with regret. To do things now. Experience and interaction and making yourself in a way

Experiencing, trying new things. Being thankful for things you have. Following dreams and goals. Making a difference in life. To help people and love each other


Family and friends

Family and friends, that's what's important to me

Family traditions and spending time with family. Being happy and healthy (even unhealthy because if you're with your family everything is set)

Family, friends, just enjoying what makes you happy

Family, trying to achieve enough so you are healthy, happy and comfortable. More about people and personal happiness than it is about career

Figuring out who you are and how to express your authentic self

Figuring out who you are and what you believe in


Finding a purpose

Finding happiness

Finding joy through things that feel meaningful to you

Finding meaning and acting on it

Finding meaning and for me figuring out what I want to become and giving back to the world

Finding meaning for yourself

Finding out what life is about

Finding out what you're here for

Finding things under rocks

Finding what makes you happy and being able to do that, whether living or finding a person to make you happy

Finding what works for your temple and not disturbing others

Finding what you find amazing and being around and finding a family that loves you for you

Finding your passion and loving others. you find your passion by loving others

Finding your inner happiness

Finding your own happiness

Finding your place in the world and doing whatever you love to do

Finding yourself

Finding yourself. Because if you don't find yourself you can't be happy. Do what makes you happy

Following my faith

For me it's about love and family, meeting people

For me it’s about following those passions. One of them is helping others. It's hard to keep yourself happy at the same time. Life is about staying alive

For me it's been about three things, have fun, learn continually and to try and make a difference in others in some way or showing people that there's another way

From a Christian perspective, in my personal faith the main goal is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. To love people sacrificially


Full of sound and fury signifying nothing

Getting back up after you fall or stumble. Learning how to be happy with yourself growing as a person, finding what makes you happy, forgiveness, second chances

Getting loved

God knows, I don't really know 

Good family

Growing and getting old. And learning and making the best decisions to make not only yourself but everything and everyone around you better

Growing in all different ways. I feel sorry for people who stay stale and don't want to change. Your thinking should evolve as you experience different things

Growing, learning everything you can. Exploring different things, getting out of your comfort zone and finding out you're passionate about

Hanging on to the mystery, following through and hopefully growing and becoming a better person


Happiness and strength

Happiness and sunshine

Happiness, loyalty and family

Having a family

Having a happy life and doing what you want, what you dream of, being healthy, happy

Having as many experiences as possible

Having fun

Having fun and also making some kind of difference. You should enjoy as much as possible and also make it better for someone else

Having fun and getting the most out of it you can. Because you never know when it could be cut short

Having fun and helping others

Having fun but also being sad. And change and love and people

Having fun, family, friends

Helping one another, enjoyment, helping people find some of the good things you've found

Helping others

How you live it. Either live it well and have a good life or be pessimistic and it will show

Human connection

Human understanding and mutual love

I ask myself that a lot. Being a momentary or fleeting speck in the universe and maybe contributing to it in a positive way and leaving it in a better place because you were here

I don't get it

I don't know

I don't know how to answer that. Doing what you want to do and being what you want to be but not in a way that makes you forget about other people's feelings

I don't know, just enjoying it I guess

I don't know what life is about

I don't know what the purpose of life is

I don't know what to say

I don't know what to say, If people receive they say it's good, if they don't they say it's bad

I don't know, I feel like it could be about a lot of different things. For me now- I just graduated and traveled all summer so now it's still about adventure and also planning a job and career. Things you didn't think about before are now more important, that will change even more too

I don't know, Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

I don't know, those are bigger questions than me

I don't know. I have lots of ideas but I don't know

I don't really know

I guess survival and trusting God that you're doing the right things

I know its not about stressing about tiny things. In the same way as becoming a parent, it's about embracing the positive. Making sure you make those around you happy. Being the best person you can be and let life kind of happiness. Not about regrets

I really don't know. Wherever it takes me

I suppose really, doing onto others as you want them to do to you, the golden rule. Live life to the fullest without hurting anybody else

I think it's all about family. It all comes down to family. My goal was to make life better for each generation

I think it’s not always about happiness. It’s more about trying to live life to the fullest

I think just living it to the fullest

I'm not really sure yet but I'm excited to find out. Maybe it's finding your own special place in the universe where you matter

I’m not sure in all truth. You always hope there’s some greater truth. I would love to think there’s an afterlife where there’s justice and joy. But I’m not sure. For me trying to have a good life and make a difference in people’s lives

I've left some children for posterity on this earth. It's just about enjoying each day as it comes and thank the good lord that I'm here. If I can touch the lives of people with my wisdom I'll leave them my experiences in life

I've never thought about that...Committing mistakes until you get it right, just learning

If I can make my fellow man happy and share what I have. I don't feel I was put on this planet to do harm

If there isn't transcendence, there isn't meaning. Searching for transcendence

Impact and happiness and love is a huge part of life too

Improving women's and girls educations

In general success and being happy doing what you love and want to do

In India, it's very dangerous and serious. Always worrying

In my feeling it's having fun. Enjoying what you have and making the best of it. Flo [partner] and I like dancing and having fun

In this day and age from a practical perspective, coming to terms with what it all means. I think it's about experience and community


Involvement and Improvement

It makes me a fulfilled person

It means you scream

It's a beginning of what's to come

It's a gift

It's a mixture of joy, sorrow, challenges

It's a struggle

It's about candy

It's about enjoying the beautiful moments

It’s about finding yourself and realizing the power you have and the things that you can give others, enhance others and improve others

It's about love because without love nothing else keeps you going. With love you learn to give it without thinking twice

It's about making your own meaning

It's about your life

It's an adventure where you go and acquire rich experiences

It's full of happiness and sadness. Even if we fail we can try again and shouldn't get sad. We should try and get to the top and respect elders

It's a gift from God

It's very simple, it's about being happy and bringing happiness to others


Just a story of you

Just being here

Just to be happy. A lot of people are too upset for too long of a time

Keeping the promise that we have committed to our creator

Keeping to our values. At this stage I suppose its about doing good and helping others whilst looking after myself and family

Knowing yourself, learning about each other and enjoying what nature gives us

Laughing and being nice

Laughter and challenges and adventures and love


Learning and expectation and acceptance

Learning and experiencing from people and situations around us. Learning and growing

Learning and growing

Learning and growing and evolving from within and sharing the best me with the world

Learning and living every day

Learning from experiences and staying positive

Learning more things, helping parents, mingling with friends, achieving something in life to make our parents happy

Learning to be comfortable in your own skin

Learning, growing, connecting it's important for me to have a sense of purpose. And in the meantime you're playing

Leaving a positive impact

Leaving things a little better than when you got here

Letting go

Life for me is enjoying and absorbing everything it means to be human. Taking full advantage of what I can see, feel, touch and experience. Taking full advantage of what you have

Life has a lot of ups and downs but its more about family than anything. They teach you how to deal with ups and downs and love you unconditionally and hopefully will be around you until your dying day

Life has its ups and downs and thank God we don't know when we're going to die or what we're going to do next

Life is a miserable one

Life is a stage, a drama, we are the players. It's like a race

Life is about answering questions

Life is about basically progress, no stagnation

Life is about love and living. Gotta love life and live

Life is about love, about shared experiences with others and doing something that makes a difference

Life is about making the world a better place than when you got here

Life is about managing difficulties

Life is beautiful

Life is enjoying yourself. Make the most of your life

Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, it is sometimes smooth and sometimes rough. We should take life happily

Life is life

Life just is

Life must be so happy even though it is both happiness and sadness. We should think in every step of our life to make things happy and to make ourselves better. We want to be rich not in money but in loyalty and friends. We should think not only about ourselves but other persons, parents, friends and neighbors, they are also human being


Living, being happy, being sad, change, love

Living, love and having fun

Living fully in the moment

Living in the moment. And how you deal with your problems

Living it

Living life to the fullest. Life is about giving back. Life is about practicing random acts of kindness

Living to your potential

Living, and to quote Charles Bukowski "We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us”

Living. You have to enjoy every moment in life. Whether it’s happy, sad, exciting, or moving, you really have to feel it.


Love and happiness and second chances

Love, reaching out and putting out and receiving love. Trying to find that love everywhere.

Love, respect

Love, success, having fun, enjoying life

Loving other people

Loving your family and going to school

Making a difference and enjoying yourself along the way

Making connections

Making connections with others and work and me as an individual being and leaving the world better than you found it

Making connections with people you love and making the world a better place than when you came. Helping other people improve their lives.

Making good choices

Making life better for everybody here in the here and now. Activism for one another and keeping the earth healthy

Making memories with friends and family and enjoying what you have around you

Making other people happy

Making others happy- to know that I can help others and make them make their lives better

Making the most of every moment

Making the most of whatever comes your way

Making the world a better place, leaving it better than you found it

Meaningful relationships and making the world a better place. Empowering the next generation

My happiness is my wife, kids, my life, my town

My Mom and my brother and happy rainbows


Never ending journey of discovering yourself and overcoming. Like the saying- Success is not measured by what you have but what you overcame

No freaking idea. As you progress through life. It's like being an expert. The more know the less you know. No idea. I'm proud of the fact that I have no idea. Hopefully future generations will figure it out. Some of the climate crisis can help figure it out more. It's been about consumption. Resources don't seem limitless and it could be an interesting moment to see life is about survival

Not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself

Not being dead

Not taking life for granted, living

Nothing, it starts as nothing and ends up as nothing

Objectively nothing. Subjectively coming to terms that objectively its about nothing

Obviously I don't know the answer. I'll give the easy answer: peace, love


Paving the way for the next generation, trying to make things better for them in some way


Providing good values and morals

Pursuing things I love but balancing that with my responsibilities as a human, member of a family, member of society. I don't see the pursuit of happiness as a be all and end all. It's a balance of doing things that are good for me and humanity

Really not taking anything for granted. People you love, your friendships, really getting to know that life is bigger than just me


Relationships- to the extent each of us can leave this world better

Respecting people or expecting people to respect you too, getting along

Searching for infinity

Seeking happiness

Seizing what's right in front of us. Living in the moment

Series of connections that keep pushing us, make us happy, make us sad and helps us grow

Setting an example for your future self


Success and failure


That's not an easy one, you're here for just a short time. I guess enjoying what you have when you have it. I don't know that's a hard one

The art of living is the preparation for a good death

The circle of life. You’re born, grow up, start a career, have kids, grow old. Hopefully you did a good job.

The Glitter Free and the iPad I'm about to get

The human experience in general, interaction with others

The journey you go through

The mixture of happiness and sadness

The moment, every single moment. The challenge is to enjoy it

The people you meet and love

There's a lot to it. It begins with loving yourself, learning how to love others, knowing how to love others, How to gain all this knowledge to help you. But lastly its all about enjoying the experience and living the experiences

Things happen, that's life

Thoroughly enjoying every single day whether its a Monday or a Friday

To achieve what we deserve

To become the greatest one among everyone

To help other around me, that's it

To help others and to be happy

To meet people, to make real connection. Experience everything

To progress and get better

Trying to develop a philosophy of life morally and intellectually and living and acting in any way that positively influences the best in others. Understanding and experiencing, interacting, building relationships, being open people new experiences. Life of reflection and learning to make improvements

Trying to become the best person you can be. Everything else will fall into place after that

Trying to help people as much as possible, sometimes I need more work than I can give

Trying to impact as many lives as possible

Trying to live in a way that glorifies God by loving and serving others. Making a positive impact

Trying to make new experiences

Understanding others, love yourself and whats around, love and kindness

We are all living on the earth and we are very joyous and happy

We only have a short time, it's about enjoying it

Well for me it's going to heaven

What is life, there is nothing there

What you explore

What you leave behind, what did you contribute while you were here

What you make of it hopefully joy and doing good for others. Because of serving you reap unbelievable benefits

What you want to do, not what others expect you to do. Try not to let others decide for you. Take the wheel

Whatever you make it. If someone dwells on bad things it will be that. If you focus on good things, life will be happy

Whatever you want it to be about. It's whatever you make out of it

When everything is peaceful and settled, when we have belief, that's what it's all about

When you don't die and lollipops

When you live

Who you are, what you are. How you see things, how you intercept things. What you feel you want, what your aims are