ages 71 to 75
Carol, 71.33
What is the best age? I would say 35
When do people become old? When they stop being active and involved
What makes you sad? I don't always feel sad. True sadness would be the loss of a loved one
What makes you happy? Interacting with people
What is the best place in the world? The Villages [Florida], I've been a lot of places but I like this
What do you worry about? The only thing I worry about is serious illness
What do you love? Our life, life is good, I don't want to change that
What is next for you? God willing, more of the same
What is life about? Family and friends, that's what's important to me
David, 71.92
What is the best age? 45
When do people become old? When their body starts breaking down, could be at 20, 80 or 90
What makes you sad? People suffering, worldwide-not just my family
What makes you happy? When my family is doing well, my wife and 3 kids. When the Huskies win it makes it even better
What is the best place in the world? Probably Maui
What do you worry about? Paying the bills, that's the biggest problem every month
What do you love? Besides family of course, God and sports
What is next for you? Actually more of the same, I'm retired I don't really have a plan
What is life about? Well for me it's going to heaven
Sandra, 72.67
What is the best age? Probably 35ish because you’re on your way to be who you are. You’ve usually chosen a spouse and a career.
When do people become old? When their body and mind no longer permit them to experience their life the way they want to
What makes you sad? I get sad when I get overwhelmed with worry. I guess with social issues and I as an individual can only solve a minute part
What makes you happy? My family, friends and nature. I actually find a lot of joy in just looking at nature
What is the best place in the world? In the middle of my grandchildren, playing and watching
What do you worry about? You worry about the people you love. I’m a survivor and I don’t spend time worrying
What do you love? I love life, I love waking up in the morning, I love people, I love nature
What is next for you? Physically being better and self improvement, it’s my turn
What is life about? It’s about finding yourself and realizing the power you have and the things that you can give others, enhance others and improve others
Ajmal, 72.67
What is the best age? 30 to 40
When do people become old? When they lose their interest/aim of their life
What makes you sad? At this time of life, things that keep me away from God
What makes you happy? When I pray alone in the middle of the night and I'm alone with my creator
What is the best place in the world? Where every human being is happy
What do you worry about? I worry about my future with God, the day of judgement
What do you love? Happiness of other people
What is next for you? Awareness of the Creator [God]
What is life about? Keeping the promise that we have committed to our creator
Dan, 72.92
What is the best age? For me it's always been where I'm at. I've been pretty fortunate with good health
When do people become old? When they start thinking that they are old. I don't see myself that way.
What makes you sad? When something happens to my kids or Grandkids, my Son got cancer 3 years ago, that was probably the worst
What makes you happy? Being with my family
What is the best place in the world? I have a cabin up in Flowing Lake and all the kids and Grandkids have grown up going there
What do you worry about? I have a Grandaughter that has CRPS, a syndrome where she has a lot of pain. I worry about her a lot
What do you love? My wife and then my family
What is next for you? My wife and I do a lot of traveling, we just back from a cruise to Hawaii, went to Australia and New Zealand before that and for the next one we are thinking of Norway, my wife grew up there
What is life about? Being with family
Michael, 73.67
What is the best age? 35
When do people become old? 60
What makes you sad? Currently anything Trump does
What makes you happy? Being with family, especially the little ones
What is the best place in the world? Home
What do you worry about? Family health
What do you love? Sports
What is next for you? Seeing my grands graduate high school, college, the more the better
What is life about? Love, success, having fun, enjoying life
Pat, 73.67
What is the best age? I would say 8 or 9 years old. You see the world rosily, no responsibilities and you have security and everything you need and nothing has disrupted that yet
When do people become old? When they've got nothing further to look forward to or try or experience
What makes you sad? Thinking about everything that's gone by that I can't change
What makes you happy? Having family and friends around. And getting up in the morning and seeing sunshine
What is the best place in the world? I have moved 23 times so I don't know if I've really found the best place in the world. I'm still searching.
What do you worry about? Being a burden to somebody (either through financial situation or ill health)
What do you love? My family first and foremost
What is next for you? More traveling
What is life about? Being the best person you can be
Janice, 73.75
What is the best age? 20
When do people become old? They start to think so in their 50s but I haven't gotten there yet. 80s I suppose
What makes you sad? Seeing people get hurt (even on TV or movies). People or animals being mistreated
What makes you happy? Everything, The fact that I'm around happy people
What is the best place in the world? Where I'm at right now (Punta Gorda, FL)
What do you worry about? My kids, making sure they're taken care of well. Always little things but nothing big.
What do you love? Being home with my husband
What is next for you? How do we know? Things are a surprise always. I like surprises.
What is life about? How you live it. Either live it well and have a good life or be pessimistic and it will show
Safeedha, 73.92
What is the best age? 45 to 50
When do people become old? It depends on their mind
What makes you sad? Ismail's [grandson] studies
What makes you happy? When all things are alright
What is the best place in the world? Motherland
What do you worry about? My grandson's studies, otherwise nothing else. If he's OK, I'm OK
What do you love? Reading and Music
What is next for you? Praying
What is life about? Doing what we can for other people
Seeni, 74.25
What is the best age? 45
When do people become old? Above 70
What makes you sad? When children aren't well
What makes you happy? When children are well
What is the best place in the world? Niagara Falls
What do you worry about?When children aren't well
What do you love? Family
What is next for you? No plan
What is life about? Interesting
Pat Steinly, 74.42
What is the best age? 21
When do people become old? When they feel old. I don’t feel old, I’m not old yet
What makes you sad? Today. It’s the day my husband passed
What makes you happy? My Grandkids
What is the best place in the world? Vacation with your family
What do you worry about? My Grandkids and this world
What do you love? Life
What is next for you? Next is bringing my sister to live with me
What is life about? Life is about love and living. Gotta love life and live
Diane, 74.50
What is the best age? This age, I like my age
When do people become old? When they think they are
What makes you sad? To see people not respecting the environment, to see people not recycle properly, and to lose friends
What makes you happy? To be outside, live in the Northwest. And spending time with friends
What is the best place in the world? Oh I've traveled a fair amount and I'd say right here where I live. I would say I really love the Northwest
What do you worry about? What are we going to leave young people. I worry what their life will be like compared to mine growing up
What do you love? To travel, volunteer travel, a nice meal with good friends and good conversation
What is next for you? I'm going to Australia, that's my 7th continent of travels. After that I'll focus on seeing the US. Mainly National Parks I haven't seen
What is life about? Living life to the fullest. Life is about giving back. Life is about practicing random acts of kindness
Bill, 74.67
What is the best age? 55
When do people become old? 70
What makes you sad? Sense of loss with a unity of community. The atomization of society
What makes you happy? My family, Grandkids
What is the best place in the world? It would have to be at a certain time because nothing stays still. Best right now is somewhere that hasn't been discovered by Instagram. I'd say Nerac, France]
What do you worry about? Not a big worrier, don't worry about much
What do you love? Art, creative people, things that surprise me and I enjoy looking at
What is next for you? Travel, I hope to go around the world in February
What is life about? If there isn't transcendence, there isn't meaning. Searching for transcendence
Shabbir, 75.17
What is the best age? Possibly in the 30s after someone has achieved things and is looking forward to more
When do people become old? When they have lost interest in life
What makes you sad? Other people’s suffering, that has always made me sad
What makes you happy? Generally when I’ve done something that I’ve wanted to do
What is the best place in the world? Wherever one is because it is in one’s own hands to make it the best
What do you worry about? I worry about losing someone whom I love, particularly at this time
What do you love? The well being of whom I know, that’s the best thing that pleases me.
What is next for you? I strive to know more, learn, get information. So I can become more educated in a general sense
What is life about? Life is about basically progress, no stagnation
Mitch, 75.25
What is the best age? 50 I didn't grow up till I was 50
When do people become old? I think that depends on the person. i don't feel old, I don't feel 75
What makes you sad? Things that happen to people in the world
What makes you happy? My wife, she smiles all the time
What is the best place in the world? Out on the water, It's where I'm at peace
What do you worry about? I don't know if I have any worries
What do you love? My wife and my dog. I didn't know what love was until I met my wife
What is next for you? Hopefully this (life)
What is life about? Being happy, I can't think of anything better
Dave, 75.58
What is the best age? Any age you’re feeling good. I did like 30
When do people become old? When their mind tells them to think that they’re old. I feel like there’s plenty of time left
What makes you sad? Varieties of things, I can’t pin them down
What makes you happy? Usually when I’m feeling healthy and I don’t have any adversaries around. When I’m jogging, feeling good.
What is the best place in the world? Wherever you’re happy
What do you worry about? I worry a lot but I’m not sure what it is specifically. I lament the past but I don’t worry too much.
What do you love? The satisfaction of doing things, adding up columns and numbers, building things. Accomplishment of any kind.
What is next for you? I don’t have the faintest clue. This is next. We wanted to get out of an old house and into a new one. This is the next.
What is life about? Doing the best you can and that’s all there is
Joan, 75.75
What is the best age? Up to recently I might have said 60s-70s are great times because of mishaps/accidents. I'd say when you have a young family
When do people become old? When they start to think they're old- age is such a matter of perception
What makes you sad? If there's bickering between friends and family. I want everyone to be on a positive plane.
What makes you happy? Having family all together and doing things we all enjoy. Which includes travel. Watching Grandkids grow up and their accomplishments.
What is the best place in the world? Home (7 months in Florida, 5 months in New Jersey)
What do you worry about? Not being able to maintain good health and independence
What do you love? From a religious perspective: our Lord and savior. From a family perspective my husband and extended family and bright and sunny days
What is next for you? Right now very uncertain, I don't know. Hoping to get back health and energy.
What is life about? Helping one another, enjoyment, helping people find some of the good things you've found